The Stanza Project Book Launch & Reading
Wednesday, June 19, 8 pm
Brickhouse Bar, 730 Main Street, Vancouver
Accessible, free, everyone welcome.
Thursdays Writing Collective launches The Stanza Project, its 6th book of creative writing by Downtown Eastside writers. The 108 page, perfect-bound anthology is a collaboration with Dutch architect MLP Proosten and uses architectural and literary space to think about ideas of home.
Contributors include: Antonette Rea, Anupam Singhal, Cathy Truong, Elee Kraljii Gardiner, Erol Almelek, Ghia Aweida, Henry Doyle, Irit Shimrat, James McLean, Joan Morelli, Leroy Jongeling, Mark Proosten, Matt Malyon, Mohamed Helaly, Patrick Foley, Phoenix Winter, Robyn Livingstone, Roger Stewart, Ruth Dato.
Come celebrate with us and hear selected readers. Also, Mark Proosten will be in attendance!
Sales of the book ($15) support Thursdays Writing Collective.
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